Ready to Retire

Retirement is a big step – we can help

You've made the decision to retire. It's a big step. We understand you may have a lot of emotions right now - from excitement to anxiety – and we are here to help you through the process. First, thank you for your years of service in His name. We want to help you through these next steps, so you can make informed decisions and begin enjoying your retirement.

For personal assistance, email a Financial Educator or contact our office to speak to a representative.

[email protected]

Call 888-927-7526

Before initiating retirement, be sure to familiarize yourself with your retirement benefits and health care choices.

Concordia Retirement Plan pension benefits

To see your projected retirement benefits, log in to the Member Portal and click on “Quick Links” to access Retirement Connection. This tool will show you if you have benefits in the Traditional Option and/or the Account Option of the Concordia Retirement Plan, allow you to run benefit estimates, and show how different payment options will affect your benefit amount.

For information on starting your pension benefit payments:

Your pension benefit will be considered taxable income. There are also special tax considerations for Ministers of religion. Review this important information about the Tax Reporting of Your Retirement Benefits.

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Concordia Retirement Savings Plan 403(b)

Your pension benefits and CRSP 403(b) benefits are different. If you are saving in the CRSP 403(b), you will no longer be eligible to contribute to your account once you retire. Your retirement packet will include information on what you can do with your CRSP 403(b) account.

Remember, you don’t have to begin taking money from your account as soon as you retire, nor do you have to rollover your funds into an IRA or other account. There are many advantages to keeping your money in the CRSP through your retirement years. Learn more.

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Social Security benefits

It can be difficult to decide when to start your Social Security benefit, especially since you can start payments for different retirement income sources at different times. For general information on Social Security benefits, watch our recorded webinar. For specific information about your Social Security benefit, log in or create an account at

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Health care in retirement

  • If you are age 64 or younger: You may be able continue your Concordia Health Plan coverage when you retire. We call it a CHP extension. To estimate how much CHP coverage may cost in retirement, please contact Concordia Plans 888-927-7526.
  • If you are 65 or older: click here for information on our CHP Medicare products, including a helpful recorded presentation that explains Medicare benefits.
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You've decided to retire!

Once you’ve made the decision to retire and have a specific date in mind, we recommend you initiate the process at least 90 days before the date you want to retire. This provides time for you to return your completed paperwork 60 days in advance. You will want to notify both Concordia Plans and your employer of your decision. 


Initiating your retirement

There are two ways to begin the retirement process.

  • Online: Log in to the member portal and click on “Pension” to begin the retirement process online through Retirement Connection. 
  • Call: Contact Retirement Services at 888-927-7526 to request a retirement kit.


Make your benefit elections

Carefully evaluate your payment options and benefits because once your benefits begin, you will not be able to change your elections. Select your payment options and complete the necessary forms. 

See all your CRP options by logging in to Retirement Connection through the Member Portal or directly by visiting The first time you visit the site you will need to create an account.


Return your completed forms

Submit your completed retirement application to Concordia Plans Retirement Services team. We ask that you try to do this no less than 60 days prior to your retirement date.