Annual Compensation Reports

2024 ACR Submissions

Annual Compensation Reports (ACRs) are necessary to ensure accurate billing and proper benefits for your workers. If your ministry previously used the ACR Online Tool, please note that this tool is not available for 2024 submissions. Instead, ACR forms will be mailed to your ministry. Please be on the lookout for the mailed forms. Additional details will be posted to this web page and shared in the monthly employer newsletter.

If you are reporting compensation for a multiple parish arrangement, special rules apply. Only the “contact congregation” is required to report compensation. Click here for more information.

Eligibility for participation in the CRP and CDSP

Plan provisions require that any worker, regardless of age, gender, occupation, or faith, who is customarily employed more than 20 hours per week and more than five consecutive months be enrolled in the Concordia Retirement Plan and Concordia Disability & Survivor Plan. A worker meeting this criteria is also eligible for the Concordia Retirement Savings Plan 403(b), if you offer this plan, and may be eligible for the Concordia Health Plan, depending on your organization’s hour’s declaration for eligibility. These provisions apply to all workers—pastors, teachers, and preschool teachers, as well as day care workers, custodians, secretaries, cafeteria workers, and other occupations. 

Not reporting eligible workers or accurate compensation can cause adverse financial consequences to the employer and/or the worker; make sure that eligible workers are enrolled and their compensation reported on an annual basis.


CPS uses the Annual Compensation Report (ACR) to accurately:
  • Calculate your organization’s contributions for Concordia Retirement Plan and Concordia Disability & Survivor Plan. 
  • Determine disability, death and retirement benefits for your workers.
  • Create an accurate Personal Statement of Benefits for your workers.