Blog Post

Tis the season … to be healthy and well

by Wellness Champions, Concordia Plans
Family playing piano
Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. Jeremiah 33:6

“Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la!”

It is the season to be joyful … and healthy!

To be in good health or healthy is described by the World Health Organization as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This means we can be in a good state of health, even when living with a chronic condition, injury or disability. It’s about the big picture.

For example, someone living with type 2 diabetes can still be considered in “good health,” if, among other things, they are following their provider’s recommendations for checking their blood sugar levels and following a balanced nutrition and exercise plan – all steps that can maintain a healthy A1C level. And let’s not forget how these actions can improve cardiovascular, mental/emotional health, as well as provide opportunities for positive social interaction!

The National Institutes of Health identifies wellness as the act of regularly practicing healthy habits to achieve better overall health outcomes and moves us beyond surviving to thriving. It is necessary for good self-stewardship – for us, for those we care about and who care about us.

As you can see, the two terms are 100% interconnected, and hopefully, you can discern the fact that our wellness practices are directly correlated to the status of our health – whatever that looks like for YOU.

Just as the church is the body of Christ, our bodies are the temple of the Spirit. In both biblical analogies, each “part” plays a vital role and it’s necessary for each one of them to be given attention for us to be healthy and fully functioning in our gifts and callings. The mission of Concordia Plans is to “Serve ministries … care for workers … so that the word of God spreads.” We specifically focus on supporting physical, mental and financial wellness – and how those parts working together can significantly improve our members’ spiritual wellness, overall well-being and health.

We’re here for you!

We are all called to serve others, YES …

We are also called to steward the resources given to us, including our mind, body and finances. Having tools to help us assess where we are currently with our physical and mental health is important and are necessary to understand where there are opportunities for improvement  – those wellness activities that lead us to improved overall health. For LCMS church workers in the Concordia Health Plan, we partner with several programs that support assessing and caring for overall health and wellness so that you can be well to serve well.

Not sure where to start with your health and wellness? Prevention is always my #1 recommendation.

I encourage you to take these last few weeks of 2023 to schedule a screening exam – such as an eye or dental exam. Or better yet, get that annual physical appointment on the calendar for early 2024. It’s difficult to know where to start if you aren’t sure where you are in comparison to where you want/need to be. In addition to learning what’s going well and where there’s room for some improvement, completing a prevention visit between Jan. 1, 2024 and April 8, 2024 can earn you an extra 250 Vitality Points – on top of the points already associated with these visits. That’s right! We’re offering the “Prevention Challenge” again for 2024!!!

Log in to Vitality and check out all the prevention and health management activities available. Select 1, or 2 or 5 and get them on your calendar. Once you’ve completed at least one of these activities, submit it to Vitality. You’ll see your initial activity points populate in your “Points Statement” shortly after. Then, once the “Prevention Challenge” concludes in early April, you’ll see that BONUS 250 points added as well! It’s a WIN – WIN – WIN! More detailed information will be included in your January Wellness Champ Newsletter, but why wait? Most providers are scheduling now for 2024.

Interested in more opportunities? Check out the helpful resources from our partners that will help you finish 2023 strong and dive into 2024 with confidence and positive expectations for your health and wellness!

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