Blog Post

Wellness Champ Update

by Kelly Menke, Concordia Plans Health and Wellness Educator

Hello! You may or may not know me yet. My name is Kelly Menke, and I’m the Health and Wellness Educator at Concordia Plans. 

In the past, you may have received two emails: one with information tailored to you as the Wellness Champ and another to forward to your co-workers. We realize that many times the information was quite similar and may have overloaded your email inboxes. So, we’ve made some adjustments for 2023 to simplify this messaging and the Wellness Champion Program. 

We hope that we’ve heard your feedback correctly and have made changes to improve your experience as the wellness influencer for your ministry, where it might be you and one or two others covered under the CHP and engaging in the Wellness Programs. 

From here on out, you’ll only receive one email from me. It’ll still include beneficial information on a variety of wellness topics each month, and you can still share it with whomever else you think would benefit from the insights. However, I’ll become the Wellness Champion for you and your ministry so you can focus on your health and wellness pursuits. 

From time to time, additional information will be added to the Wellness Champion page. All monthly topics with blog posts will also be available here for your convenience throughout the year. You can also access the updated 2023 Wellness Champion Planner and Playbooks on this webpage should you find that helpful. Any ideas you have that will help you and your ministry Be Well and Serve Well, please reach out any time. 

I look forward to working with you in 2023 and for many years to come! 

Blessings and Be Well, 

[email protected]

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